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I love working collaboratively to create pieces near and dear to you. Whether painting or jewelry, we will discuss the elements you wish to incorporate and I will work from that starting point, blending our combined vision. 

Commissions are sturctred as follows:

1. Look through my galleries to find a few pieces that are representative of the kind of item you would like me to create for you. Please take note of the pricing for each item, as your commission will be priced similarly. 

2. Contact me to schedule a free consultation to discuss your vision, pricing, timing and technical input. I can start from a number of points including aesthetic taste, color, image or meaning that you would like to incorporate into your special piece. 

3. If you decide you would like to move forward, I will then send you a price quote. A non-refundable 1/3 down payment is required for me to begin work.

4. Once the non-refundable deposit is received I will develop 2 or 3 design ideas to present to you.  These are not exact, as the creative process proceeds with lots of surprises - happy ones if we're lucky. 

5. The second 1/3 of the final cost estimate is due upon approval of the design idea after integrating any feedback from you. Once this is received I will begin the process of making your item.  It is important to me to maintain artistic freedom. I presume you are seeking a commission because something in my artistic expression speaks to you. Sometimes I will work on several projects sparked by your inspiration. If I do this you will have the option to choose amongst the final product. The others will be listed for sale on my site.  If you decline the final product all together, I maintain ownership of the item and your deposit will be forfeited. I will do my best to avoid this, but only take creative input at the beginning of the process. 

6. Once I am finished I will present the item to you for final approval and purchase. At this point the last 1/3 is due and I will deliver your personalized item for you to enjoy. 




    under the scarlet moon offering a variety of products and services including massage therapy relaxation auto accident injury treatment tarot astrology mentor teaching painting jewelry

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